Full Length Plays
The Church of Diminishing Marginal Returns
When incorrigible entrepreneur Josh Pocket finds himself in severe financial trouble, he cons his evangelical brother Jon into starting their own church. Although Jon has a penchant for hermeneutical biblical exegesis and is quite sincere about the endeavor, Josh is only interested in collecting tithes and love offerings. Josh and Jon’s endeavor is so financially…
Read MoreHard Luck Sings The Blues
Heinz Laughlin is a self-conscious guy in a self-conscious story about his attempts to woo the woman of his dreams. Heinz is aware that he’s a character in a play and that his Playwright has purposely put obstacles in the way, but he believes he can manipulate the Playwright’s will (and get what he wants)…
Read MoreAnd God Created Laughter
A comic romp through the stories of the Bible, told by the One who knows it best – God Himself. Have you ever had a backstage pass to Heaven with the Creator of all things? Find out what really happened when Adam and Eve discovered they were naked. What do Charlie’s Angels have to do…
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